of Modry
Efekt on Polish Great Danes Club
2019!!! ZARINA III Best in Show, Best of Beed and Club Champion!!! AFRA I Best in Show Junior, Best Junior and J. Club Champion!!! RASTAFARI I Best in Show Honours and Best Female for Breeding with her kids: Xamantha, Xcaret, Afra and Ambroży!!! BRUKSELKA II Best in Show Baby!!! XAMANTHA GRAND PRIX of Show Ranking of Polish Club 2018!!! BENAMATO II Best in Show Baby Central european Great Danes Show!!! XCARET Club Champion and BOS!!! AMBROŻY J. Club Champion!!! XAMANTHA and YENISEYexcellent II in champion classes BŁAWATEK II very promissing on 3 baby class |
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XCARET on the left, AFRA on the right | BRUKSELKA also called Bambaryla | YENISEY |
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RAFA (fom left) with kids, Afra, Xamantha, Xcaret and Ambrozy | AMBROŻY | XAMI's Grand Prix trophy |
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Malwa with Afra |
Bialystok :) 17 August 2019 AFRA 's great debut in adult (intermedia) class: CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed!!! In blue BOB went to XAMANTHA!!! ZARINA lost only with her elder sister and took - resCacib and CAC completing Polish Champion title!!! Brother of AFRA, AMBROŻY, CAJC and completet title of Junior Polish Champion!!! Blue YENISEY - CAC in champion class and next step to Grand Polish Champion!!! |
AFRA J. Champion of Tchech Club 2019!!! | ||
2 x I Best in Show in Slovacchia: on Slovac Great Danes Club Show and
on Jubilee Show of the Club - Bojna 2019!!! (1 and 2 June) On both show with two different judges Ludmila Ruzhich (Russia) and Matthieu Delahaye (France)15 months old Afra got J. Club winner ttitle than Best of Breed and was chosen as the most beautiful dane of all colours and both sex!!! XAMANTHA got 2 x title of Club Champion and finished Slovacchian Championship!!! |
AFRA Junior Champion of Hungarian Great Danes Club 2019!!! | ||
I Best in Show Junior and ZARINA II Best in Show of Special Great Danes
Show Lodz May 2019!!! Next day on IDS Lodz both girls were Best of Breed winners: Afra in black and harlequins (and she is only 13 months old) Zarina in blue |
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XAMANTHA II Best in Show ZARINA III Best in Show and I Best in Show Junior on Austria Great Danes Club - Wels December 2018!!!! | ||
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s great debut in adult class: CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed and..... III place on Best of Group on IDS Lublin, December 2018!!! And her sisyter ZORAYA showed for the first time in junior class - I exc. CAJC and Best Junior!!! |
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Junior EUROPEAN CHAMPION 2018!!! unfortunately only one picture - comparison with male for Best Junior title |
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che Club..... XCARET I BEST IN SHOW del CLUB POLACCO ALANI 2018!!!! Sua sorella blu XAMANTHA III posto al BEST IN SHOW!!! Modry Efekt Miglior Gruppo d'Allevamento di tutti i colori!!! RASTAFARI con sue figlie "X" e bimbi "A" Miglior Femmina per l'Allevamento!!! ZARINA Giov. Campionessa del Club Polacco 2018!!! |
XCARETT - l'alana piu bella del Club 2018!!! scelta dai giudici John McGlynn, Klaus Rucker e Jose Garcia Abad da 155 alani presenti :) | Sorelle: nera XCARET I Best in Show e blu XAMANTHA III Best in Show | |
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Modry Efekt
MigliorGruppo dAllevamento di tuttii colori!!!! Dalla sinistra: YENISEY (II exc/6 cl. camp.) Zarina, Xamantha, Rastafari e Xcaret |
Xcaret aspettando il giudizio | |
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Gruppo Modry Efekt | RASTAFARI MigliirFemmina per l'Allevamento (secondo anno di fila) edurante giudizio in classe campioni - IV ecc (6 anni) | |
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figlie di Rafcia, nera XCARET I Best in Show, piccola AFRA e la blu XAMANTHA II Best in Show | Figli neri di Rafa, dalla destra AMBROŻY (6m) Imp/6, XCARET I Best in Show e AFRA II mp/6 | XAMANTHA Migliore di Razza |
cuccioli!!! Cucciolata A - nata il 21 marzo 2018, 2 maschi (disponibili) e 1 femmina (prenotata) neri. I genitori sono: Int.Ch. Camp. del Cub Alani Francese 2014, Camp.del Club Croato e Best in Show 2015, Camp. del KyDD (Club tedesco) 2015, Pl. Ch. RASTAFARI Modry Efekt e Int. Ch. Campione Europeo 2013, Camp. Belga e di Lussemburgo LEONIDAS du Domaine de Kalkis |
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Amaretto 10 settimane | ||
le sue sorelle, figlie di RASTAFARI stravincono: XAMANTHA I BEST IN SHOW della NAZIONALE SPECIALE ALANI LODZ 2018!!!!! (120 alani presenti) |
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e sua sorella
Esposizione (lo spareggiofinale tra due sorelle, XCARETT e XAMANTHA) |
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E la piccola ZARINA II Best in Show Puppy !!! | ||
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cuccioli !!! Dietro nostra Camp. Pl TRISHNA Modry Efekt e il Camp. Pl. ICH BIN v. Haus Tiefenbach nasceranno cuccioli blu pups all fine di Agosto 2017 !!! |
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UKRAINA sono nati 10 splendidi cuccioli neri (5/5) dietro Int.Ch MultiCh
MARASCHINO Modry Efekt (HDA ED0) e una
graziosa femmina a mantello Ch. AVRORA
DIOS DE LA VIDA !!!! Contattaci per la prenotazione !!! |
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Aspettiamo una splendida cucciolata a meta Dicembre !!! Dietro Int.Ch Multi.Ch MARASCHINO Modry Efekt (HD A ED 0) e Campionessa di Club Francese Campionessa Polacca RASTAFARI Modry Efekt |
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September 2014 - NATIONALE ELEVAGE - French Great Dane's Club - 400 danes
in competition RASTAFARI Modry Efekt - Club Champion- VANIQUER DCF !!!!! Rastafari is the firs dane in Poland that has achieved this title:))) Her sister Regilla competed in open class and was I on 17 females!!!! MI¦ MARASCHINO in champion class was II exc/7. Black danes were judged by specialist judge and experienced breeder sign. Salvatore Facella from Italy (kennel di Tor Lupara). Three blacks from Modry Efekt were also elected as a best breeding group in black, harle and black for blue. The judge was the president of Hungarian Great Danes Club Mr. Andras Korozs. And the competition was very strong, as on the ring were beautiful harle from Can Duran (Spain) and blacks from de la Benjamine. |
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Rastafari on french club, intermediate class | CAC and ris CAC on the honour ring | And..... the Club Champion:)))) |
from Modry Efekt best breeding group in black and harle |
Rastafari | |
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And MI¦ (MARASCHINO Modry Efekt) daughter ISSAMBRE Lucky Solum Blue, 15 months old, that we ve met in Neuvic, with her owner Sylvie. Issambre was ecellent in junior class, as well as her younger cousin Selvaggio | SELVAGGIO Modry
Efekt "SHIVA" 10 months old, son of Nerina and ICH BIN v. Haus Tiefenbach was ecellent in junior class |
September 2014 - RESEDA
Is Polish Champion !!!! We are in France and Ania with Jedrzej in Lodz. Jędrzej is debutting as a handler and.... Reseda wins her class, gets CACand thus completing Polish Championship :) |
RESEDA "Dona" with Jedrzej in Łodz -a super couple!!!!! | Reseda on Great Dane Club with Paulina, who is the wonderful handler, but Dona probably wants to be close to her Jędrzej... On the Club show she did a great job, was II in the open class behind her sister REGILLA who was I Best in Show :) | and one more shot from Club Show. Thanks Paulina for handling and to Ania Athel Loren for the picture |
July 2014 REGILLA Modry Efekt I Best in Show on CACIB WARSAW - on nearly
3 thousands dogs!!!! |
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you can see videos from Best in Show: |
a first time in Poland that a dane wins the I Best in Show on CACIB show....
The judge was Mr.Andras Korozs, who has a weak on grat danes as for years
is the President of Hungarian Great Dane Club. Earlier our beautiful RENIA
won II Group where the judge was Mr. Petko Csaba. Thanks a lot to judges!!! The rest of "R" littermates did not bad also. Sister RASTAFARI lost with REGILLA CACIB and got resCACIB. In males two brothers, ROMOLO and RICORDO, were competing of the title of best male. CACIB for ROMOLO, resCACIB for RICORDO. In blue LALA, QAIREEN Modry Efekt, got CACIB :) |
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RENIA running for her victory:) | CACIB for Lala | sisters
- CACIB, BOB Best in Show for Regilla and resCacib for Rastafari :) |
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RICORDO - resCACIB | ROMOLO - CACIB | and one more picture of RICORDO, who came for the Club Show and CACIB from the Netherlands :)) thank you Nadia!!!! |
July 2014 - WHAT A CLUB IT WAS :))))) REGILLA MODRY EFEKT I Best in Show !!!! Renia has repeated th esuccess of her mother, Irimi And IRIMI kids from litter "R" did really great. There were 5 of them. Renia won open class, II place went to her sister RESEDA. In the competition for the title of Club Winner RENIA won with her another sister RASTAFARI, that won earlier intermediate class. Two brothers won their classes also: ROMOLO intermediate, RICORDO open. Their mother, Irimi, 6 years old, 3 months after her second litter was II in champion's class. Mi¶, MARASCHINO, also champions clas and also II place. At the end 5 blacks from Modry Efekt , MARASCHINO, IRIMI, RICORDO, REGILLA i RASTAFARI won the title of BEST BREEDING GROUP in all colours:) |
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RENIA Best of Breed | running with Michal for the title of Club Champion | EGILLA Best in Show of Polish Great Dane Club 2014!!! |
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Iec open class |
II exc champion class |
II exc champion class |
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(first from the left) champion's class |
competition for the title of Club Champion on the left RASTAFARI, on
the right, RGILLA |
MI¦ with IRIMI :)))) |
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blacks from Modry Efekt :))) Salvatore (grazie!) with Irimi | MI¦ with RASTAFARI | at the and Renia
says to the judge: "thank you" :) |
21 of April 2014 - Puppies of Irimi and Kubus (QUORAZON Modry Efekt) were born | ||
4 lue (2/2)and one.... fawn male | ||
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9 November 2013 - pups of Nerina and Yogi - ICH BIN v. Haus Tiefenbach - were born | ||
We have nine pups: 6 blue (4 males 2 females) and 3 blacks (1 male 2 females) | ||
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2nd June - MIS Best of Breed, Cacib and has finished Interchampion title!!! | ||
of May - NERINA becomes Polish Champion !!! On a national show in Płock Nerina got CAC, the Winner title (Best of Sex) and finally BOB, Best of Breed! On the same show Lala - QAIREEN - was debutting with excellent result, I exc / 2, CAJC and Best Junior!!! |
may - Mis daughter was born:) Only one, black. Mother is a blue female AQUA z Otwartych Okiennic, kennel Solum Blue. Probably she will stay at home with her mommy:) |
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17 may - Worls Dog Show in Budapest, 18 may Danubius Club 2013 | ||
WDS MARASCHINO (Mi¶) II exc on 10, rCAC in champions class!!! Irimi also
in champion class excellent. The judge mr Hartmann said her breasts are too big. in fact she was in a false pregnancy, 7 months after delivering 13 pups... Her daughters, R sisters, blue Rosalie and black Regilla both I places in puppy classes!!!! Rosalinda also won the title of the BEST PUPPY of World Dog Show :)))) Next day on the club show MIS and IRIMI I BEST COUPLE!!! ROSALIE II Best in Show Puppy!!!! MODY EFEKT - this time in black - II BEST BREEDING GROUP!!! |
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Maraschino and Irimi few minutes before final competitions | I
BEST COUPLE of Danubius Club 2013 |
Mi¶ on the Club show also II exc, r.CAC | Rosalcia I vp, Best Puppy, II Best in Show Puppy | Regilla I vp on WDS |
2013 We went on 2 Cacib shows in Miskolc, Hungary, with Maraschino and Nerina. The first day Nerina got ill, she's managed to gain CACIB meanwhile Mis wasnt judged as he refused to show his teeth with Anrzej... Then Nerina felt really bad and we were looking for an open vet clinic. Thanks to the help of Roxanne Szabo and organizers of the show we 've managed to find one and the doctor gave her medicins and infusions. than we got back home.... |
2013 First show of Kubus (Quorazon) on Cacib Rzeszow - I vp, Best Puppy |
October 2012- IRIMI has delivered 13 pups!!! 12 black and one very little blue female. All of them healthy, even the small blue prines who was half of the size of her sibillings... |
2012- Polish Club and European Club (EuDDC) in Zgierz!!! On EuDDC the judge Milan Stourac has found that Maraschino (Mis) was the best black male in intermediate class, out of 14 - I exc, CAC and comparision with beautiful Olimpiodoro dei Monti del Keraton feom Italy and a swiss Saphyr Per Aspera ad Astra. Saphyr won the title but we were quite sattisfied :) On the club Irimi wasn't present this time as she was pregnant. In blue junior females Ordalie Modry Efekt (Lilka) was IIexc. And in the last weekend of september CACIB show in Wroclaw - Mis Cacib i BOB (Best of Breed) !!!! |
August 2012 - Mis in Torun has completed Polish Championship!!! | ||
July 2012 - Kreolcia has delivered 8 puppies - Litter Q Father is blue KOHINOOR dei Monti del Keraton. We have 2 blue boys, 3 black and 3 blue girls |
- a trip to Croatia 2 x Cacib in Umag. first day Maraschino cAC, CACIB and BOB :))) second day only resCacib. we were happy to have a tent as was raining all day long. |
2012- World Dog Show in Salzburg We have entered Maraschino in intermediate and Irimi in champions. unfortunately we had to leave Mi¶ at home as from Salzburg we were going to Italy for breeding with Kreolcia. Irimi was III exc on 14 females in champion class. |
2012 - Spanish Club - CEDDA A great trip. It was worth driving 3 thousands km to see spanish danes :) Mis won in internediate class: I exc CAC, than he lost rhe title with beautiful 3 years old champion Yublot de Can Duran. he is the one of my favourite black males in Europe. in juniors there was a Nerina's brother, Noirdesir and spanish daughter of Figaro Modry Efekt, which gainedthe title of Junior Club Champion :)))) |
Maraschino Best of Breed (BOB) on CACIB Show in Nitra!!! It was first show abroad for Mis!!! First day in Slovacchia he won his class, Irimi II exc, but on Sunday both of them, Mi¶ and irimi won their classes than comparision and both got CACIB title. At the end they compete with each other The judge M. Igor Mioc from Croatia decided MIS was the best!!! :))))) On pictures Mis after the show: |
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03. 2012 - Katowice CACIB first show for Mis in adult class - intermediate : MARASCHINO Modry Efekt I exc resCacib |
- Rzeszow, CACIB MARASCHINO Modry Efekt I exc CAJC, Best Junior, BOB - Best of Breed. And completed the title of Junior Polish CHAMPION :)) |
November 2011 Bibcia (Espagnola) has delivered 3 blue pups (2/1). The father of litter P is Duraikhannan de la Benjamine |
ottobre 2011 CACIB Poznan Campionato della Polonia MARASCHINO (MIS) Giov. CAMPIONE della POLONIA !!!!! IRIMI I ecc in clase campioni, NERINA II ecc in classe giovani |
Settembre 2011 Moritzburg IRIMI Campione dell'EuDDC (club europeo) e Club Alani Tedesco!!! MARASCHINO Giov.Campione del Club Alani Tedesco!!! |
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Irimi EuDDC giudice Mr. Milan Krinke | Maraschino sta aspettando | Maraschino Giov.Campione del Club Tedesco, giudice M. Jose Garcia Abad |
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la scelta della migliore femmina nera | Irimi su Best
in Show ring con Duo d'Eclat des Petites Vernieres - miglior campionessa |
Club tedesco,
giudice M. Francois Martin |
Settembre 2011 il CLUB POLACCO - IRIMI il I posto al Best in Show !!!!!!
cio significa il miglior alano su 200 iscritti :)))))) |
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cominciata con una sfortuna: una macchina non e partita quindi invece
di sei alani ne abbiamo presi due e per la prima volta in cinque annoi
non abbiamo potuto presentare il gruppo d'allevamento e Aszra con suoi figli e in classe veterani. Ma poi Irimi portata meravigliosamente da Ola (Aleksandra Smietanka) ci ha fatto sorridere. Prima la vittoria in classe campioni, por lo spareggio per il campionato del club, poi per il Migliore di Razza con 3 alani di allevamenti italiani, del castello delle Rocche e of Old Pink House. Ha giudicato. Mr Andras Korozs. E poi il grande finale per il miglior alano del club con due femmine (fulva e blu). Giudice Mr. Tibor Havelka. E il nostro giovanotto MARASCHINO ha vinto il II posto (ecc) fra 14 giovani maschi neri e poi con sua zia IRIMI sono stati scelti come II Coppia Migliore su tredici di diversi colori). Espagnola ha preso II ecc in classe campioni. E poi il debutto dei nostri cuccioli della cuucciolata O - ORDALIE ha vint il II posto al Best in Show Puppy!!! |
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Coppie Migliori, i primi fratello e sorella di Korona Borealis e secondi i neri del Modry Efekt | Maraschino II ecc/7 in giovani neri | Maraschino con
Irimi |
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Migliore di razza: 3 alani italiani, 2 polacchi | tre colori.... NERO !!!! :) | Ordalie Modry
Efekt II BiS Puppy |
Agosto 2011 |
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2011 - Bulgaria EXPO e vacanze. Ci siamo divertiti, presi un po do sole, fatto bagni nel mar nero. e portato qualche titolo:) Kreola campionato Bulgaro e di Georgia, Mis (MARASCHINO) Giovane Campionato Bulgaro, di Georgia e Grand campionato Bulgaro. |
Giugno 2011 CACIB in Stettino e stata piu che altro l'ovccasione di incontrare amici. Anetka e Tomek, propietari di Indunia (ITALICO Modry Efekt) ci hanno invitati a casa loro nonostante il fatto che abbiamo portato tre alani... Grazie carissimi di vostra ospitalita!!! E in piu abbiamo avuto l'occasione di incontrare MARMOCCHIO, fratello di Mis. KREOLA, in classe intermedia, ha ottenuto il suo primo CACIB. Mis e stato 2 ecc (su 4) il che none male tenendo conto che ha finito 9 mesi 5 giorni prima. Nerina molto promettente in classe puppy 1/1. sulle foto due fratelli "M" |
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Maggio 2011 Bratislava 2 x CACIB La nostra macchina si e rotta e quindi FIGARO non ha fatto in tempo il primo giorno, il secondo lui e IRIMI hanno preso CACIB e finito i campionati slovacchi !!!! |
Maggio 2011 Cacib in Lodz e Kreola in classe intermedia ottiene CAC, blu Jarmila in classe aperta CAC e CACIB !!! |
Maggio 2011 Il debutto di Mis !!!! A Opole, su CACIB show MARASCHINO Modry Efekt I m.p. (su 4) e Best Puppy! E, la cosa piu importante, gli e piaciuto proprio:) |
2011 La cucciolata "O" ha compiuto 7 settimane. I piccoli hanno loro nomi. piu foto qui |
Aprile 2011 Romania, Satu Mare: IRIMI Intercampionessa e Campionessa Rumena. Ha vinto il titolo di Migliore di Razza (BOB) e Cacib. JARMILA - 2 x Cacib e 1 x BOB |
Aprile 2011 Legionowo: JARMILA ha compiuto il titolo della Campionessa Polacca. BRAVA!!! Complimenti a Malgosia e Arek! |
Marzo 2011 14 marzo sono nati otto cuccioli blu (5/3). Genitori sono: Campione Russo, Campione del Club Russo ASTRIGER de Fionix (Ch. Pl. GALILEO dei Monti del Keraton x ULTRAFERA de Fionix) X Camp Polacca e Ungherese, Giov. Camp. Polacca GIUDITTA Modry Efekt (Ch. Es CACAO de Garaba x IntCh. MultiCh. campione del Club07, Camp dell'Austria CZARINA Modry Efekt) HDA DCM free Questi splendidi bimbi sono una sorpresa.... Difficile a credere, ma anche per me, allevatore. Andrzej ci ha fatto una grande sorpresa, ad Ola e a me. Aveva piu fiducia e ottimismo di noi due. E tanta voglia di avere figli di Giuditta. E abdato da solo in Russia (in pieno inverno). Poi se l'ha cavato con tutto essendo senza esperienza. L'unico aiuto da parte delle nostre amiche russe Valeria (Alano Shtat) e Natalia (de Fionix) GRAZIE a voi!!!! Giudi sta benissimo cosi i suoi figli. il parto era naturale. Ora si occupa in modo eccelente dei cuccioli. E, la cosa piu importante, e felicissima. |
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2011 FIGARO e papa di 17 cuccioli!!!! La cucciolata cosi numerosa e nata in allevamento Z Hugowej Ferajny. La mamma Hania ha 4 anni e mezzo e ora alatta, con aiuto di una altra femmina e dell'allevatrice, i suoi primi figli. La storia e stata riportata dai servizi internet e stampa polacca (a destra un articolo del giornale Fakt) la notizia ha ripreso anche Associated Press ed e apparsa su vari quotidiani americani, vedi articolo in Washington Post !!! Nella tv nazionale TVN24 in un famoso programma SZKLO KONTAKTOWE e qui il telenotiziario di Varsavia TVN ! |
a mamma Hania e allevatrice Gabrysia Kubalska! E logicamenta a papa Figaro. Del resto non e la prima volta che Fifi accentra il numero 17 :) e gia successo, agli inizi della sua cariera da riproduttore, purtroppo non tutti cuccioli di allora sono sopravvissuti. |
2011 Expo di Danzica, FIGARO Modry Efekt Migliore di Razza, e la cosa non frequente per un alano, II posto a Best of Group!!! Congratulazioni a Natalia! |
2010/2011 Gelo, buio, neve e il tempo per piccini. Cuccioli neri:) Vedi Cucciolata M e Cucciolata N |
Settembre 2010 FUEGO II BEST in SHOW del CLUB AUSTRIACO e AUSTRIA BUNDESIEGER!!! campione del Club, poi BOB Best of Breed, e il Grande finale: II Best in SHOW. Giudici: Guido Vandoni, Italia e Petru Muntean, Romania. E il giorno seguente il Bundesieger, Campionato di Austria, Cacib, e poi un altro BOB contro una femmina blu vom Haus Wagner. Congratulazioni a Dominik e Ewa, sopratutto a Ewa la handler di Fuego che lo ha mostrato in una maniera eccellente, il che e statoappreziato dal giudice! |
Settembre 2010 CLUB SHOW ASZRA insiema AI SUOI FIGLI, ESPAGNOLA, FIGARO, FUEGO, IRIMI, PER LA QUINTA VOLTA DI SEGUITO HA VINTO IL TITOLO DELLA CAMPIONESSA RIPRODUTTRICE!!! A nove anni compiuti, di nuovo sul ring, in classe veterani ha vinto contro SARA Baronowie Pomorza, 10 anni compiuti, di proprieta di Jadwiga Rogowska (Błękitne Wydmy) Congratulazioni a Jadzia, Sarunia non dimostra i suoi anni ed e in ottima condizione!!!! E il secondo titolo della Campionessa Veterani del Club, in piu e stata premiata per il I posto nel Club Ranking 2009. FIGARO, figlio di Aszra ha vinto il titolo del Campione del Club e tutti i nostri alani sono stati ritenuti il II gruppo d'allevamento. La nostra titolatissima Irimi questa volta e stata II in clase aperta. Sotto alcune foto: Fifi il vincitore, la sempre piu bella Pysia con sua figlia Espagnola e sulla destra, una foto di BOB in neri/arlecchini, sulla destra femmina nera che ha vinto con Irimi, Enchilada Margarejro, Camp. del Club. Giudice: Peter van Monfoort (NL) |
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Settembre 2010 IRIMI BEST in SHOW CLUB LITUANO!!! Campionessa del Club, poi Migliore di Razza in neri arlecchini e alla fine I best in Show, il titolo di alano piu bello del club!!! Giudici: Milan Stourac, Francois Martin, Margrit Volzer, Romana Fortsch, erano dello stesso parere nonostante fortissima concorrenza. il giorno dopo a Vilnius era previsto EuDDC, il Club Alani Europeo, quindi per i due shows erano iscritti quasi 200 alani. Irimi nel "grande finale" si e vista sul ring con il maschio tedesco tigrato Tutenhamon vom Haus Tiefenbach e femmina blu da Lithuania Roxana Impossible to Replace. Ed ha vinto!!! Un GRANDE GRAZIE a OLA AJRON per il SUPER HANDLING! il giorno dopo, a EuDDC, IRIMI ha vinto classe aperta con il CAC diventando in q. modo Campionessa Lituana. Ma in finale giudice Margrit Volzer ha assegnato il titolo del Campione del EuDDC a un acampionessa tedesca, indicando a Irimi il II posto. La terza e stata la piu giovane, bellissima BANDIANA de Fionix (figlia di Gerome'a Modry Efekt!!!!) . |
E aspettiamo cuccioli!!! Da Campione Russo ZOPHREY de Peirac e GALIZIA Modry Efekt. Occhio su Attualita'.... |
2010 SOPOT CACIB - 2 BOB, per Irimi e per Espagnola Irimi ha finito il titolo del campione Polacco e Kreola per la prima volta in classe giovani II ecc. Indeveer, anche lui debuttando ma in adulti, classe aperta, II excc, mentre El Corazon in classe campioni I ecc CAC, resCacib |
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2010 FUEGO E' INTERCAMPIONE e MULTICAMPIONE!!! Prima mostra per KREOLA e il titolo di Best Puppy IRIMI III ecc sulla Mondiale FUEGO Modry Efekt won 2 shows in Romania Konastanca (2 x CACIB and 2 x BOB) became INTERCHAMPION FCI and Romanian Champion and Grand Champion. jednocze¶nie! It's our 6th male with Interchampion's title (others are: BARBADOS, CAIRO, COOL JAZZ, FIGARO i EL CORAZON) and nine in our family with our girls ASZRA, CZARINa i ESPAGNOLA). FUEGO went on holidays and tour de Balcans, gained also titles of Champions of Balcans, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova and Montenegro!!! With 8 national titles he is MULTICHAMPION!!! |
We were glad
of our debutting youngest KREOLA Modry Efekt (on the pict on the left) On CACIB Warsaw in puppy class she won with other 3 females and than with the harle puppy male and gained Best Puppy title. On the same show IRIMI won Best of Breed and Cacib, one week earlier on World Dog Show in Denmark she was III exc in intermediate class. |
2010 FUEGO E CAMPIONE BIELORUSSO E il nostro terzo (dopo EL CORAZON e DI MAGGIO) Campione Bielorusso. Su 2 Cacib expo in Minsk Fuego ha ottenuto 2 CACIB e 2 BOB! Congratulazioni a Dominik e Ewa! |
Maggio 2010
e' GIOVANE CAMPIONESSA POLACCA !!! Congratulazioni a Arek e Malgosia, copropietari di Jarmila, figlia di Espgnola. |
Maggio 2010:
2 BEST OF BREED and 3 CACIBs for Modry Efekt danes in LODZ! IRIMI began a new show season in a great style: Best of Breed and CACIB in Rzeszow, CACIB in Opole and CACIB and BOB on International Dogshow in Lodz. There, in the final for BOB in black and harle danes IRIMI met her elder "brother" - EL CORAZON. One hour earlier the best dane in blue color was awarded to FUEGO Modry Efekt. So all of our three reppresentatives won and gained CRUFT'S nominations. |
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GIUDITTA IS A MOTHER OF "L" LITTER!!!29 of march, in Wroclaw, where Giuditta lives with Ola and Andrzej, blue pups were born. the father of our "L" litter is blue Russian Champion ASTRIGER de FIONIX. Ola and Andrzej - CONGRATULATIONS!!! |
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- MARCH 2010
IRIMI - Best of Breed and CACIB on her first Cacib show in adult class :))) in Rzeszow |
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2009 INFINITO is a Junior Polish Champion With his third Best of Breed title and third CAC in 3 shows Infinito has accomplished the conditions for becoming Junior Polish Champions. Congratulations to Mr. Jerzy and his sons! NOVEMBER 2009 4 titles of POLAND WINNER 2009 on CACIB POZNAN goes to ASZRA's kids!!!!! The most important of polish CACIB shows has brought a victory to Modry Efekt danes. We were in 4, 2 in black, 2 in blue, all Aszra's kids of course, and we took 2 Best of Breed titles and 2 Cacibs and 2 juniors titles of Champions of Poland 2009.... In blue Best of Breed, Cacib and title of Poland Winner 09 went to FIGARO. His younger half brother INFINITO gained Junior BOB and CAJA and title of Junior Poland Winner. In black/harle the best was EL CORAZON awarded with Best of Breed, Cacib and title of Poland Winner09. His younger half sister IRIMI was CAJC and Junior Poland Winner 09. Congratulations to our wonderful owners, Sylwia, Natalia and Mr. Jerzy!!!!! |
of OCTOBER 2009 GALIZIA and FIGARO's kids are born!!! We have 10 wonderful black pups!!!! Look at the Litter "K" |
2009 ASZRA IS A WORLD VETERAN WINNER!!! OUR DANES WON AUSTRIAN DDC CLUB We have the first World Winner in our family. The title went of course to our ASZRA. Before coming to Bratislava for WWS we went to Hungary for the Club Show. Aszra gained the title of Veteran Club Champion and I BIS of veterans (ex equo with 9 years old hungarian brindle female) And our danes, Aszra, Figaro and Espagnola were awarded, third time in a row, the title of Best Breeding Group of Hungarian Club. In Tulln in AUSTRIA on the Great Danes Club Show we gained also the title of Best Breeding Group of ODK. This time represented by Cairo, El Corazon, Fuego, Irimi who won against 5austrian breeding groups. It was the biggest austrian club held till now, with the participation of more than hundred danes, so we were very happy to win also 3 titles of Club Champions. EL CORAZON was awarded with the title of Austrian Club Ch 09 in black and harle, FUEGO in blue and IRIMI gained the Junior Club Champion title. She was also competing for Best of Breed and the judge Vasco Pocas awarded her Junior BOB and than Best Female (BOS). She lost only with adult harle male from fench d'Iskandar kennel. IRIMI was also II BIS JUNIOR of all colours. |
CLUB SHOW 2009 ASZRA 4rth time in a row is BEST FEMALE FOR BREEDING!!! and I BEST in SHOW VETERAN!!! JARMILA I BIS BABY!!! This club show was dedicated to Aszra... She was most important for me. First time in veteran class she won against other blue female. Than she gained BIS of all colours. Than, together with her kids, CAIRO, ESPAGNOLA, FIGARO, FUEGO and IRIMI, for the foourth time in a row she was chosen the BEST FEMALE for BREEDING :)))) FIGARO, Aszra's son was CAC in Champion class! Her grandaughter JARMILA was Best in Showby! |
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2009 EuDDC IRIMI on her first show : JUNIOR EuDDC CHAMPION!!! She has never entered the ring before and we took her to EuDDC in Sikluv Mlyn (Tchech Republic) only becouse we wanted to see the European Great Dane Club competition. Well the french judge, M. Gattegno (elevage d'Iskandar) liked her a lot and awarded her with the junior title. The competition was really huge. It was the best result of polish danes in this show, the only title that went to a polish dane. So we were really very happy. GIUDITTA Modry Efekt was 4th exc in blue champions (judge Jose Garcia Abad) |
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2009 CACIB WARSAW: 2 x BOB, 3 x CACIB, 3 x resCACIBIn blue Best of Breed and CACIB went to FIGARO. CACIB females to ESPAGNOLA. ResCACIB males to FUEGO. In black/harle Best of Breed was CAIRO, who won against EL CORAZON awarded with resCACIB. GALIZIA was also resCACIB. Not bad, taking in consideration that it was international show in the capital, one of the most "crowded" cacib expo in Poland. But the thing that made me really happy was that the owner of BARBADOS (retired, soon in veterans we hope) and owners of ANUSZKA came to meet us on the stadium. Thank you very much for being with us! JUNE 2009 CACIB SZCZECIN - 2 x BOB 3 xCACIB and EL CORAZON finishes INTERCHAMPION title!!! First our blue Espagnola was CACIB and Best of Breed. Than EL CORAZON gained his 13th CACIB title, in a year, and become Interchampon. His younger sister GALIZIA was best female so she got CACIB also :) And after the show we visited Aneta and Tomek, owners of ITALICO (called Indianek). Thank you very much!!! |
2009 FIGARO IS INTERCHAMPION!!!! In Budapest Fifi got Cacib and Best of Breed, winning in a strong range of italian, french and hungarian blue males and females. He finished his Interchampion title in a "grand style" and also very fast. He needed only one year and one week! On the same show Giuditta gained 2 resCacibs and 1 CAC. Her sister Galizia 1 resCacib and 1 CAC. |
of MARCH 2009 We have PUPPIES! Espagnola has 2 kids, son and daughter :) Look at the "J" Litter |
2009 FIFI, GALI and GIUDI are POLISH CHAMPIONS!!! And ESPAGNOLA went in France for her first date.... With IntCh. Ch F. Ch. du Club VODJHEDARRAZAAN de la Benjamine |
2008 Hungarian Great Danes Club Danubius We succeded at keeping the title won last year, of the Best Breeding Group!!! Modry Efekt this year was represented by CZARINA, GALIZIA, GIUDITTA, ESPAGNOLA and FIGARO. In ranking of the Best Couple Figaro and Espagnola were on II place. Last year Cairo with Czarina won the title of the Best Couple. Thanks to Natalia and Ola for being with us!!! |
2008 Polish Great Danes CLUB 2008 WE WON AGAIN AT CLUB SHOW !!!!!!:))))) MODRY EFEKT is - as last year and 2 years before - the Best Polish Kennel of Blue Danes. Judge - Mr Milan Stourac. And we managed to repeat our 2 great victories - our ASZRA was the Best Female for Breeding, of all colours, with her kids of C, E and F litters. Our BEST COUPLE from last year and 2 years ago - CAIRO and CZARINA was II Best Couple of Polish Great Danes Club among 16 couples of all colours. Last but not least: we have 3 Club Champions and 1 Junior Club Champion!!!!! We are very, very happy!!!!! HAIFA Modry Efekt is J. Club Champion in blue. |
Modry Efekt and GEROME Modry Efekt Club
Champions in black, both kids of Czarina, on the photo on the left on the right FIGARO Modry Efekt Club Champion in blue (Aszra's son): |
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2008 EL CORAZON is vice-WORLD CHAMPION!!! It's the greatest success in Modry Efekt short history: EL CORAZON Modry Efekt has gained the prestigiuos title in Stoccholm. He won open class with 21 danes, and got CAC, which on this special show meant obtaining Swedish Champion title. Then he won with winners of intermediate, veterans and working classes. The final was 3 males, winner of champion class, junior class and El Corazon. The judge decided the title stayed in Scandinavia and indicated norwegian champion, winner of Swedish Club from the day before, and put El CORAZON on 2nd place. Quite a big deal, what do you think? |
JUNE 2008 ASZRA has 10 puppies!!!! We have 5 males (4 black and 1 blue) and 5 females (3 black and 2 blue). The father is well known Interchampion, French Champion and Champion of European Great Danes Club (EuDDC)VENI VIDI VICI des Habites Rouges (see the info in Puppies).The names of puoppies will start with letter "I". It's the last litter of mine sweetest ASZRA, Interchampion and Multichampion, Best Female for Breeding of Polish Great Danes Club 2006 and 2007. |
of SHOW'S RANKING 2007 EL CORAZON, GIANICOLO, DI MAGGIO and ESPAGNOLA are the winner danes of 2007! Polish Great Danes Club has announced results of Show Ranking 2007. TOP DANE od all colours is EL CORAZON !!!!! He won in both categories, juniors and adult danes, and in both has obtaines record score!!!! The highest score in the hisory of polish ranking!!! With 940 points he has beaten the best result obtained 2 years ago by BARBADOS Modry Efekt. El Corazon was also the best in juniors, and his score 525 points is also tghe best in history. Other results od danes from our family are also very good. We want to say a really huge "thank You" to all owners of danes born in Modry Efekt!!!! Thank you folks for loving them, taking care of them and showing them with such wonddderful results!!!!! BLACK/HARLE ADULT MALES EL CORAZON Modry Efekt - I place, 940 points, GRAND PRIX CAIRO Modry Efekt - III place, 516 points BLACK/HARLE Junior MALES EL CORAZON Modry Efekt - I place, 525 points BLACK/HARLE ADULT FEMALES CZARINA Modry Efekt - III place 645 points (I place NIOBE Magiczne Koło 845 ) BLUE ADULT MALES DI MAGGIO Modry Efekt - I place (2nd time in a row) 875 points BLUE Junior MALES GIANICOLO Modry Efekt I place - 352 points ESPIRITO Modry Efekt III place - 300 points BLUE ADULT FEMALES ESPAGNOLA Modry Efekt II place - 605 points (I place SATI Grande Finale - 767) BLUE Junior FEMALES ESPAGNOLA Modry Efekt I place - 228 points |
2008 ESPAGNOLA is INTERCHAMPION! CZARINA gains Solvenian and Croatian Champions Titles!!!!! This time we went to Varazdin, than to Umag and Portoroz, where ESPAGNOLA got 2 x BOB and CACIB (Varażdin) and CACIB in Umag where she lost BOB to her younger brother, GAIO, owned by austrian SUMMA CUM LAUDE kennel. We were as happy as Peter and Doris, Gaio's "parents" becouse in Umag Espagnola finished Interchampion's title. CZARINA in Varazdin gained CACIB, resCacib and 2x CAC and became Croatian Champion, than in Portoroz with one CACIB and title of ALPE ADRIA WINNER (2 years ago her brother CAIRO won this title) and 2 x CAC she completed Slovenian Champion's title. So our sweet Gun has 7 national champion's titles!!!! It's a new record among polish danes :))) |
2008 TOUR de Spain and Portugal by Korek Magnificiant one month long holidays, and, why not, some shows... First was Portugal, Viana do Castelo, BOB, than Madrid, Spanish Great Dane Club where EL CORAZON was first in open class among 14 males, than won against winner of champion class, Thiago della Baia Azzurra, champion of last year EuDDC, and became Spanish Club Winner!!!! Next weekend San Sebstian - Best of Breed and CACIB winning with des Terres de la Rairie danes. Madamme Maria Jose Labrousse, well known breeder and judge, owner of des terres de la Rairie kennel, congratulated El Corazon's victory to Sylwiaand Andrzej with a lot of simpathy. Next was cacib show in Elvas (Portugal) and Badajoz (Spain). BOB and Cacib on both shows!!! 5 shows, 5 victories, we, the breeders, stayed in Poland, but we ve opend spanish wine Aylga de la Vega El Corazon z Ribera el Duero to celebrate our "son" successes (and not a one bottle....) |
May 2008: DI MAGGIO is a father! DI MAGGIO is a father of 12 healthy pups, all blue, kennel Amore Celeste. Mother is OSZIWA z Błękitnych Wydm April 2008 GIANICOLO and DI MAGGIO win in Slovenia! Both Kasia and Marcin blue males has won, DI MAGGIO got 2 CACIBs and twice he was Best of Breed, while younger GIANICOLO twice was Best Junior, Junior Winner and became this way Junior Slovenian Champion! |
2008 "KOREK" is POLISH CHAMPION EL CORAZON finished the title of Polish Champion in Leszno on Champion's Show. He won among seven males than, compared to best female he gained the BOB title! |
2008 "Bimbini" is POLISH CHAMPION!!! ESPAGNOLA has begun well new year gaining on first international show in Rzeszow CACIB, CAC and thus completing her Polish Champion title. She lost BOB title to her elder "cousin" DI MAGGIO. In the final competition for Best of Breed there wer 3 blue danes, all from MODRY EFEKT:)))) Third was the youngest GIANICOLO, who won the title of Best Junior with his sister GIUDITTA! |
2007 CZARINA IS AUSTRIA CHAMPION!!! Mine "sweet and little Guniak", as I call CZARINA in Wels got two CACA, and CACIB from Andreas Korozs and became a first polish dane with the title of Austrian Champion:))) It's the fifth national Champion title for CZARINA, so thus she has beaten her Mommy ASZRA record . And I think that Czarina hasn't told us the last world yet... |
2007 COOL JAZZ POLAND WINNER 2007!!! For the second time "COOLIO" COOL JAZZ is the Chanmpion of Poland. First time he gained polish "bundessieger" 2 years ago. It's the first dane from our breeding who gaines this prestigious ttitle. We are really very proud:) In the same time EL CORAZON is winning abroad. On 2xCAC 1 x CACIB Korek got all possible titles (2 x CAC and CACIB) and became Bosnia and Hercegovina Champion. then was Minsk in Bielorussia and Cacib again, this time with BOB (Best Of Breed) and title of Bielorussian Champion. In Minsk was also DI MAGGIO and he did even better, as he won both shows, gaining twice BOB and 2 Cacib and the title of Bielorussian Champion!!! His younger "brother" GIANICOLO came back to Poland as Junior Bielorussian Champion!!! |
2007 DI MAGGIO and EL CORAZON Romania Champions, COOL JAZZ Hungary Winner 07 and Hungarian Champion On 2 x Cacib show in Arad, Transilvania, EL CORAZON won two BOB and two Cacibs. DI MAGGIO, on the same show got Cacib on Sunday. Both Modry Efekt males got titles of Romanian Champions. Congratulations to Kasia and Marcin. Di Maggio's owners and for Sylwia and Andrzej, owners of "KOREK"!!! Next weekend in Budapest COOL JAZZ won 2 Cacib, the tittle of Hungaria Winner 07 and with 2 CAC completed the title of Hungarian Champion. It's our fifth, after Aszra, Barbados, Czarina and Cairo title of Hungarian Champion, so we are very happy. Iza and Mariusz, thank you and congratulations!!!! |
2007 WE WON AGAIN AT CLUB SHOW !!!!!!:))))) MODRY EFEKT is - as last year - the Best Polish Kennel of Blue Danes. Judge - Mr Heiko Wagner. And we managed to repeat our 2 great victories - our ASZRA was the Best Female for Breeding, of all colours, with her kids of C, E and F litters, decided judge Mme Veronique Maunder. |
was again Best Couple of Polish Great Danes Club. Judge Dajnora Sudeikiene
has chosen them among 13 couples of all colours!!!! And that's not all - CZARINA and her younger brother ESPIRITO were both Club Winners!!! Espirito - at only 19 months - was chosen by Mme Maunder as the best blue male of the Club! Czarina was judged and awarded the title by Mr. Heiko Wagner. |
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August 2007 CARIMA IS A MOTHER OF 9 PUPPIES! We have next litter - "H". Mother, J.PL.Ch CARIMA Modry Efekt is black, but her kids are mostly blue after the father, blue french Interchampion, Champion of France, Belgium and Luxemberg SAPHYR de l'Orangerie des Perles Rares. So we have 5 blue females, 1 blue male and 3 black males. For more details and photos look at Puppies. The same day, 12 of August, in Slesia were born first puppies after our black IntCh. COOL JAZZ Modry Efekt. Mother is Ch.Pl. NIEGRZECZNA ZUZANNA Magiczne Koło (also black for blue) błekitnym) has 10 puppies, 9 black and 1 blue male! |
2007 MODRY EFEKT WINS LITHUANIAN CLUB SHOW ON BALTIC SEASIDE IN PALANGA! CAIRO BECOMES LT.CHAMPION, EL CORAZON J.LT CHAMPION AND BALTIC CHAMPION! ESPAGNOLA, ESPIRITO AND EL CORAZON ARE J.CLUB CHAMPIONS! Just as 2 months ago in Budapest on Hungurian Club, our black pair CAIRO and CZARINA was awarded the title of BEST COUPLE on Lithuanian Great Danes Club Show. And again as in Budapest Modry Efekt danes were awarded the title of BEST KENNEL of LITHUANIAN GREAT DANES CLUB 2007!!! The judge Mr. Jose Garcia Abad had a difficult choice as he was visibly impressed by beautiful fawn and brindle group from Nuo Grazuciu kennel, first of all by young brindle lady TICHE Nuo Grazuciu who was Best in Show dane and Junior BIS, which makes our victory really precious for us. And we are also very proud of our youngest E-danes, EL CORAZON, ESPIRITO and ESPAGNOLA who all was awarded J. C;lub Champions. El Corazon was II on Junior Best in Show, after brindle Tiche Nuo Grazuciu who won all the club. First weekend of August in Palanga has started with 2 CACIB shows. Our results are: Espagnola (in intermediate class) gained 2 resCacibs, so Cairo who became Lithuanian Champion. Czarina was resCacib and 2 x CAC in Champion class, Espirito 2 x CAC in intermediate. El Coprazon. showed in junior classes for the last time, won 3 times and gained during one weelend the title of J. Lithuanian Champion. We were still on the club show in Palanga when first sms from Poland arrived. Sunday was the first show for 3 of our puppies from last 2 litters, sons of Aszra and Czarina. In Zakopane GIANICOLO was debutting and in Legnica his litter-sister GIUDITTA won against her "auntie" FIAMMA. All our puppies, according to both judges, are "very promissing". |
2007 DI MAGGIO BECOMES POLISH CHAMPION AND CARIMA WILL BE A MOTHER OF OUR NEXT "H" LITTER AFTER INT.CH. MULTI CH. SAPHYR DES ORANGERIEDES PERLES RARES In the middle of August blue and black puppies will be born in Modry Efekt. The father is Interchampion, Champion of France, Belgium and Luxemburg SAPHYR de l'Orangerie des Perles Rares, mother, our black J.Pl. Champion CARIMA Modry Efekt. For more details look at Puppies. DI MAGGIO Modry Efekt gained at expo in Nowy Sacz his 5th CAC and completed the title of Polish Champion. Di Maggio is 8th champion in our family of Modry Efekt. Congratulations to Kasia and marcin. Thank you for all your love and care you are giving to "Madzior" and his brothers. |
2007 ESPIRITO BECOMES J. POLISH CHAMPION WHILE CAIRO'S PUPPIES ARE GOING TO THEIR NEW HOMES ESPIRITO Modry Efekt on Cacib show in Warsaw got his third CAJC cmpleting in this way the title of J.Polish Champion. On the same show his elder brother CAIRO Modry Efekt won among all black and harle males getting his 11th CACIB. His puppies of last two litters in kennel Medium (mother is NEW DEAL z Fabiani) and Amigo Perro (after RIVA Amigo Pero) are living for new homes. Go to links and photos of puppies are on Cairo and Espirito website as well as on Amigo Perro's website where still one show prospective black female is available. |
2007 EL CORAZON IS JUNIOR PLURICHAMPION!!! EL CORAZON Modry Efekt on his summer "tour de Baltic" gains victories and titles of junior champions. After the titles of J. Champion of Hungary, Poland and Estonia he went to Minsk on 2 Cacib shows, where he was BOB and 2 x Best Junior and thus became J.Champion of Bielorussia. Next was Valmiera in Latvia, and again BOB and the title of J. Champion of Latvia!!! A big kiss to El Corazon and a lot of thanks and congratulations to Sylwia and Andrzej! |
EUROPEAN IN ZAGREB all Modry Efekts danes exc from 1 to 4th place. On the left I exc ELVIS from Long Neck and II exc EL CORAZON Modry Efekt CZARINA was I exc and CAC in champion class, El CORAZON II exc in junior class, ESPAGNOLA III exc in juniors, ESPIRITO -IV exc. among blue juniors, CAIRO exc. III in champions |
2007 "MODRE" WIN IN BUDAPEST! WE ARE THE BEST BREEDING GROUP OF DANUBIUS DOG CLUB ! CAIRO AND CZARINA THE BEST COUPLE ! EL CORAZON JUNIOR HUNGARIAN CHAMPION, ESPAGNOLA & ESPIRITO BOB! - look at photos and results 2 CACIB Shows and Club were the occasion to spend a weekend in Budapest. We have enjoyed :)) and gain some good results. EL CORAZON won all three shows becoming J.Hungarian Champion and J.Club Champion. In the final competition on the club he was awarded II Junior Best in Show. His blue sister ESPAGNOLA was debutting in intemediate class and gained her first CACIB and BOB on Sunday. Saturday was the day of her blue brother ESPIRITO who was BOB, Best Junior and J.Winner, while Espagnola only resCacib. ESPIRITO gained also a title of J.Club Champion. Their elder brothers, CZARINA and CAIRO both winners of champions classes and CAC were awarded the title of BEST COUPLE. And at the end, the most precious for the breeder - our five danes were in the opinion of judges the BEST BREEDING GROUP. We are very happy becouse the competition of beautiful hungarian danes was very strong. |
2007 ESPAGNOLA IS JUNIOR POLISH CHAMPION! CZARINA, CAIRO AND DI MAGGIO WINNERS OF RANKING 2006! On CACIB SHOW in Lodz ESPAGNOLA Modry Efekt has finished Junior Polish Championship, winning with 7 other junior blue females. The show was a great success as her brother ESPIRITO also won and got his second CAJC. The title of Best Junior was assigned to ESPAGNOLA by the judge from Portugal. Black brother EL CORAZON was the best out of 6 black and harle juniors and then got the tuitle of Best Junior. Elder brother CAIRO was the best adult male and CACIB. Lodz is the capital of Polish Great Danes Club, so in occasion of this show, results of ranking was published. CAIRO is TOP DOG of 2006 - he not only had the best results of blck/harle adult males, but the maximum score of all colours - 850 points!!! It's the highest score in history of Ranking, only BARBADOS Modry Efekt had the same result last year. Congratulations to Kasia and Grzes!!!!! Thank you for showing Cairo!!!! CZARINA Modry Efekt was the best in adult females black/harle with 605 points. Last year also she got the 1st place, both in adults and in juniors category. DI MAGGIO Modry Efekt won in blue juniors with 134 points and was IV in adults blue with 158 points. A lot of smiles and congratulations to Kasia and Marcin!!!17 |
2007 ZUZIA IS CELEBRATING HER 10TH ANNIVERSARY, WHILE HER GRAND AND GRAND-GRANDCHILDREN ARE ALREADY IN THEIR NEW HOMES Our Zuzia, SUZANNE VEGA Herbu Zadora, who started our breeding experience is 10 years old!!! Zuzia, a bit tired of the mess caused by 18 pups at home, seems very happy that most of them has already left for their new families... But we hope she will find a bit of patience for her grand-grand- daughter GALIZIA, granddauhter of ASZRA and daughter of CZARINA and CACAO de Garaba who will stay with us in our home. |
2007 COOL JAZZ IS INTERCHAMPION - BOB & 2 CACIBs ARE REALLY GOOD BEGINING OF SHOW SEASON! International EXPO in Katowice - COOL JAZZ Modry Efekt gains Best of Breed and CACIB and in this way he becomes 5th Interchampion in our family. From litter "C" he is 3rd with this prestigious title. His elder "brother", already Intch. BARBADOS Modry Efekt was in Katowice best blue male, gaining his 12th CACIB. In juniors EL COPRAZON was II excellent (on 10 black/harle young males!). Congratulations to Iza and Mariusz (Coolio), Marta and Piotr (Silver) and Sylwia with Andrzej (Korek)!!!! |
of FEBRUARY AGAIN WE HAVE PUPPIES!!!! Only two days had passed and it was the turn of ASZRA, Czarina's mother. ASZRA has 10 blue puppies, 6 boys and 4 girls. The father is UXALANDA de la Benjamine. Aszra as always is a "super mother":))) Look at Puppies ! |
of JANUARY WE HAVE PUPPIES!!!!! At the last day of Jan. CZARINA delivered her babies after CACAO de Garaba. They are 8, 4 blue (3/1) and 4 black (2/2). All are very huge, males were 850-950g and females 750-850. Czarina is a bit surprised but she turned to be an excellent mother. When babies are sleeping she picked some toy and lies close to them. Look at Puppies ! |
CZARINA IS GOING TO BE A MOMMY!!!! We did go to Spain and Czarina liked CACAO de Garaba as much as her mother last year...Puppies will be born at the begining of February!!!! Here Ch. ES. CACAO de Garaba (Shamaco de la Benjamine x Caramba de Garaba) few minutes after the mating. He seemed not to lose the interest, ASZRA WILL HAVE PUPPIES TOO!!!! Coming back from Spain we passed closed to Marseille, and visited Mme Maunder and de la Benjamine danes. ASZRA had her date with marvellous blue Ch.F. UXALANDA de la Benjamine (Shamaco de la Benjamine x Saratoustra de la Benjamine). She will have puppies in February, few days after her daughter CZARINA!! |
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26 of NOVEMBER Our EL DUERO died...He was only 9 months old...Most probably, according to vets, he was poisoned. We got this terrible news the day we were leaving for Spain and France. |
NOVEMBER ESPAGNOLA gets her first title of Junior Winner and Best Junior on CACIB in Kielce!!! On the same show debutting DJAZIRA got her first CAC, as well as her brother Di MAGGIO, both winning open classes. In blue juniors ESPIRITO was II excellent, and his brother EL DUERO III exc. Black EL CORAZON were II excellent in junior black/harle, loosing with a dane almost twice as old as he. So we have finished 2006 show season in a good mood. |
OCTOBER CAIRO is INTERCHAMPION, Hungarian Champion and Hungary Winner!!! One show, Hugarian Grand Prix in Budapest, and so many titles :)) CAIRO won in Budapest and with his 9th Cacib finished Interchampionship and Hungarian title. He was also awarded the title of Hungary Winner 2006. Thus we have in Modry Efekt 4 Interchampions and 4 Hungarian Champions: ASZRA, BARBADOS and Aszra's black kids CZARINA and CAIRO. A lot of congratulations to Kasia and Grzegorz!!! And a huge bone for Cairo!!! photos and results from Budapest |
OCTOBER CZARINA is Austria Winner! She won in Tulln her 5th Cacib and the title of Austria Winner. I'm really very proud and happy as we had a very strong competition, first of all EuDDC Winner and EuDDC BiS harle female SUN della Baia Azzurra. Also black champions females from Italy were very beautiful. But dr. Gerard Mignot has decided Czarina was the best :))) |
SEPTEMBER 2006 Polish Great Danes CLUB 2006 WE WON AT CLUB SHOW !!!!!!:))))) MODRY EFEKT is Best Polish Kennel of Blue and Black Danes - decided judges Mme Marie Jose Labrousse, Andreas Korozs and Milan Stourac on the Polish Great Danes Club Show held on 17th september 2006. That's not all: Our ASZRA with her kids - litter C and litter E won breeding competition for BEST BREEDING FEMALE of all colours!!! CZARINA and CAIRO became THE BEST BREEDING COUPLE of Polish Great Danes Club!!! Of all colours also, they've been chosen out of 12 pairs. EL CORAZON was 1st at BEST in SHOW Puppies!!! His blue brother ESPIRITO was 2nd at Best in Show and their blue sister ESPAGNOLA was 3rd!!!! |
We have some
more good news. CAIRO is Polish Club Champion - the best black male. And his younger brother DI MAGGIO is Junior Polish Club Champion - the best young blue male. Grandma ZUZIA was 2nd at BiS of Veterans. She was also the oldest dane on the show. (pict on the right) And, at the end of the show, special prize for BARBADOS, called "Silver", Top Dog of 2005 who won ranking of exhibitions and with his 850 points gathered on 10 shows made an absolute reckord in the history of ranking. Congratulations to all of Modry Efekt danes owners! we are very, very happy :))))))) |
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2006 CZARINA BECOMES INTERCHAMPION AND HUNGARIAN CHAMPION!!! On 2xCacib Shows in Kecskemet (Hungary) CZARINA has completed requirements for title of Interchampion FCI and in the same time gaining 4th and 5th hungarian CAC she becomes Hungarian Champion as well. Her brother COOL JAZZ gained 1 CACIB (his 5th already) so the final battle for BOB was against 2 Modry Efekt danes. This time BOB was Czarina. Sunday was a lucky day for us, in Chorzów DI MAGGIO was also BOB and he was awarded 3rd place on Best of Group! |
2006 CZARINA is Lithuanian Champion !!! She has started with the first CAC last year at Trakai, then was Vilnius in december and now 2 x CAC, on the International in Vilnius and Lithuanian DDC at Trakai. Czarina, you are great!!! |
2006 CAIRO, the first male of Modry Efekt, will be the father soon! Puppies - black and blue- will be born in Latvia at the beginning of August (mother is MERELINA Basulmas. CAIRO after his first sexual experience seems to grown up a lot, and his new "macho" behaviour evidently helps him in the rings as he wins a lot. In Poland and abroad, in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria |
2006 CZARINA and DI MAGGIO become Champions and "spanish" puppies are in their new home On the same show in Gostynin CZARINA Modry Efekt has completed Polish Championship and her younger brother DI MAGGIO, gaining the 3rd title of Junior Winner, become Junior Polish Champion! Congratulations for Kasia and Marcin! All puppies from litter "E" live already in their new homes. Boys stayed in Poland, black El CORAZON and ENCANTO in Warsaw. Blue ENZO lives close to the capital, in Wolomin, and ESPIRITO (known better as "Lincoln" or "Linio") shares the house in Pobylkowo with his older half-brother CAIRO and fawn italian male GHOST del Piccolo Jigo. And from time to time when Cairo and Ghost leave for shows Linio pays visit to his old home :)). El DUERO ("Sprite") lives in Gliwice (Slesia) with his cousin DI MAGGIO and with Kasia and Marcin. Girls have traveled abroad. Black ESTIMA is in Spain with Jose Abad at de Garaba kennel. Her black sister EBONITA lives in Germany with Karin, Edgar and their 4 blue danes (vom Klostergarten). Blue ESTRELLA is at Cote d'Azur in Nice. But of course blue ESPAGNOLA ("Bibunia") stays with her mammy ASZRA and grandma ZUZIA and black half-sister CZARINA at our home! |
2006 Danes from Modry Efekt won ranking of expositions in 2005 anounced Polish Great Danes Club. We were the best in 5 categories out of 12. CZARINA Modry Efekt was at the first place in black and harle adult females (690 points) and she also won ranking of junior females (323 points) repeating the score of her mother from 2003. ASZRA Modry Efekt by the way was the best blue female gaining 820 points, beated only by her younger brother BABBADOS Modry Efekt who won among blue males with 850 points which is a new polish record. His and ASZRA's famous grand-grandmother World Champion NIKITA Medium had 3 points less in 1997. CAIRO Modry Efekt was the best youg black/harle male with 242 points, at the second place was his brother COOL JAZZ Modry Efekt. ASZRA's black sons were on the 3rd (CAIRO) and 4th (COOLIO) positions in adults quotation. Congratulations and a lot, a lot of thanks to owners of our danes. You are wonderful!!! |
2006 Happy birthday Grandma ZUZIA!!! Puppies are departihg for their new homes...Their belowed grandmother ZUZIA (SUZANNE VEGA Herbu Zadora) has celebrated her 9th birthday. Thank you Zuzia for giving us ASZRA and A and B litter beautiful danes! On the photo 9 years old Zuzia (lying) and her daughter ASZRA and grandaughter CZARINA. The rest of the family (10) is finally sleeping ... |
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2006 CAIRO Modry Efekt is now Polish Champion!!! We are happy as much as Kasia and Grzegorz. |
2006 BABETTE and COOL JAZZ Modry Efekt are Polish Champions!!! Congratulations to Marysia and Iza & Mariusz!FEBRUARY 2006 Aszra's and CACAO de Garaba puppies are born!!!! We have 10 puppies 5 males (3 blue and 2 black) and 5 girls (3 blue, 2 black). Aszra seems to be very regular and accurate :)) |
2006 In the begining of december I went with ASZRA in Spain, to pay visit to Jose Garcia Abad and his wonderful danes. And of course to mate Aszra with beautifu, young, black stud (black for blues) Spanish Champion CACAO de Garaba (SHAMACO de la Benjamine x CARAMBA de Garaba). Coming back from this wonderful date we had a chance to visit famous Chateaux and Aszra seemed to feel at home... Now she is resting a lot, preparig for her second maternity. To see Aszra's first puppies click on "C" Litter |
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